Bioresonance is a relatively new approach used in holistic therapies. There are many different bioresonance machines and I use the NLS Hunter Metatron 4025 scanner in my sessions.
The idea behind is that all living creatures emit frequency waves which are unique only for this organism. Unhealthy cells or tissues emit altered electromagnetic waves. The bioresonance picks up the frequencies, analyses and shows them in 3D graphic form on the computer screen.
Different colour dots on the organ images indicate a possible health issue and help me quickly to identify the imbalanced tissue – it could be an infection, parasitic overgrowth or vitamin deficiency to name few. To correct the aberrations, I use in my sessions the positive frequency of homeopathic remedies, plants, stones or META-therapy sent by bioresonance.
The sessions can be done remotely via a conference call. For a treatment, I need only person’s nails as a part of her or his DNA.
The treatment is non invasive and may indicate other health problems which would be not so obvious at first sight. A bioresonance scan helps to address some additional conditions later in my kinesiology treatments.
I frequently use my bioresonance for self-treatments. One day, I felt a strong burning in the middle of my tongue. From the Chinese tongue diagnosis, I knew it was the stomach area. Instead of acupuncture I used the bioresonance this time. It did not last long and black dots appeared on the screen. It was my stomach image. A closer analysis also showed the culprit – it was an active helicobacter pylori. I carried out the treatment on myself and within one hour I was free of pain and any discomfort in the stomach. The problem did not appear again.
Kinesiology uses muscle testing to get the energetic feedback from the body and assesses any energy stagnations.
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